Track and Manage your Health

Symtally is a simple symptom tracking app made to help you manage your health.


Track Anything

Use Symtally to track anything, from your aches and pains, to your moods and mental health. If you can rate it, you can track it.

How do you feel?

Sometimes a simple average just isn't good enough. One bad symptom can ruin your day, or multiple little aches can add up. Symtally considers all this in your daily rating, your Symtally. So in the future, when you look back, you have a better sense of your health.

Private and Secure

Your health is personal and private, and so is your data. With Symtally, you can rest assured that your information is kept confidential and secure. Your data is stored in private directories on your phone. Symtally does not send or store your data online and we do not have access to your entries. No other third-party app can read your data.

View Privacy Policy

And much more!

Download Symtally for free on the app store and try it for yourself!
